Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys with Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys recently handled a Chapter 7 bankruptcy of a client who continued to be harassed by a creditor post discharge. After discharge all creditors are required to cease communication with clients for any and all reasons associated with the collection of debts covered in the bankruptcy filing. In this case our client continued to be contacted by mail and email from a specific debtor seeking payment for the discharged debt. Our client contacted our attorneys who immediately re-opened his case and filed a motion against the creditor for violating the terms of the discharge agreement in the Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
The motion was granted in favor of our client and the creditor was sanctioned and ordered to pay $1,000 directly to our client along with all attorney fees in the process. Most bankruptcy attorneys may recommend clients to ignore creditors that continue to contact clients post discharge but these harassing and overwhelming tactics of creditors are illegal once bankruptcy filings have been complete. Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys with Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorneys care about the experience of clients before, during and after discharge and will actively seek compensation for clients from creditors who illegally contact and request payment for debts discharged in their bankruptcy.
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